Faith Journey · Thought Provoking

Give God Your Schedule

Well, 2015 is coming to a close quite quickly and I am sitting here wondering where the time went and pondering how much I didn’t get done!  This last year has been a whole new ball game since my ‘great awakening’.

In case you haven’t been around, here is the quick run down of the ‘great awakening’.  I was a Christian since I was in 6th grade, but was someone who had ‘been to the tomb but not to the upper room’.  I was plagued with many mental illnesses, physical ones to match and was suicidal daily.  On October 31, 2014, I went to a prayer service and was prayed over by four beautiful women of God.  During that time, Jesus healed me from a myriad of diagnosis and I walked away saying ‘If this is what Christianity is, I’ve been missing the boat!’  On New Years Eve 2014, I was baptized in the Holy Spirit and nothing has been the same since. Jesus upgraded my life and I have seen signs and miracles since.  He has also been healing me more and more since then.  Whew! Now you are caught up!

So, all of this has been happening, and at the same time, I have been trying to discern where God is leading me as far as my writing is concerned.  I have been working on my trauma story and my next book, but it has been coming in fits and starts – but I guess that is the artistic process, right?  Despite the stop and go nature of my trauma story, I have continued to desire steady, lucrative writing ventures.

As 2016 approaches, I have been reading other people’s blogs about making goals and business plans that stick (with a big thanks to Kemya Scott at  Choosing the Kingdom is my blog that I am more relaxed with, the one where I talk about my faith, where I talk about my daily ups and downs and share more freely about my deep heart for life.  In contrast, my business blog is where I function in a mental health advocate capacity, as a published author, and as a professional writer (if you are interested you can find it here).  The advice that I have been seeking is regarding how to grow my business blog by gaining readership and sparking interest in my writing.

One of the people that I have sought advice from is Joyce Meyer.  I just listened to her “Beside the Still Waters” conference during the 7 hour drive to a family Christmas and I was really inspired.  One of the greatest takeaways that I received from her was that we can get really busy – even with great, God-honoring things!  So busy in fact, that we can miss His calling for something greater!  I began praying over this last week about the things I have been involved in over the last year, asking Him what He wants me to continue, and where He wants me to pare back.  It became very clear to me what things have been ‘noise’ in my life, and in what direction He would have me go.  Now I am so excited, and a bit nervous, but mostly looking forward to the great plans that He has for me in the coming months!!

My question for you is:  When was the last time that you asked God what He thinks of your schedule?

We say that we have given our lives to the Lord, but shouldn’t that include giving over our daily schedule as well?  Just something to think about as this year comes to a close and you start to plan for a new and exciting 2016.  Remember that God has planned good things for your future, full of hope and not disaster (Jeremiah 29:11), and He will work ALL things for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

Put your schedule in His hands and watch your life soar!!!


❤ Haley

What are your thoughts?